I drove my ’71 Chevy until 2005. When I replaced it, my gas mileage improved enough to pay for the new one in reduced fuel cost. If your Heating and Air Conditioning System is older, you can probably pay for an upgrade with reduced energy cost over the next several years. I’ve seen some old Rheem Systems around Blount County that are nearly as old as that Chevy. As energy costs continues to rise, new Heating and Cooling Equipment could easily pay for itself in reduced utility cost. Improving your system efficiency from an 8 SEER to a 13 SEER Air Conditioner or Heat Pump should result in a 25% reduction in operating cost. Going to a 15 or 16 SEER would give an additional 10% reduction in electric cost. The new Furnaces are as much as 20% more efficient. Would cutting your Gas and Electric bill by 20 to 25% be worth considering? Call us to review your options.